To make an online booking or see our rates and availability, please select the dates of your stay to the left and click 'Check Availability' above. For general enquiries, please use the details or form on this page.
Located:6 Onehunga Harbour Road
Auckland 1061
Phone:(09) 634 5300
Fax: (09) 124 7714
Reservations: 0508 881237
Email: stay@airportharbour.co.nz

To make an enquiry about our facilities please email stay@airportharbour.co.nz or use our online enquiry form on the right.
Please note our office hours are: Monday to Friday 7.30am to 9.30pm and weekends and public holidays 8am to 9.30pm. Arrivals after this time may incur a $50 late check in fee.